FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited is committed to:-

  • Supply of Quality Product to Customers within agreed time
  • Ensure safety during mining
  • Continual improvement in customer satisfaction

FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited: Environmental Policy

  • We will endeavour to prevent environmental contamination and reduce negative environmental impacts by complying with laws and regulations and assessing the impact of our business activities on the environment, including with regard to biodiversity.
  • We will improve the system to promote environmental preservation activities at each site.
  • We will strive to address climate change and reduce waste and the emission of environmental pollutants.
  • As a commitment to sustainable use of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity, we will actively promote the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies, materials and the development of environmentally conscious products and solutions.
  • We will continuously improve the environmental management system through regular auditing.
  • We will raise awareness of all employees of FAGMIL by emphasizing the on importance of environmental conservation through environmental education.