Mahilon ki Dhani,Phalodi,District-Jodhpur
Date Action Remarks
19.12.2018 Ministry of Mines, GoI  reserved the block  vide Gazette No. G.S.R 1220(E)
03.07.2019 Application for ML  submitted  to AME, Balesar.
14.08.2020 Proposal for grant of ML  sent to DMG, Udaipur by AME Balesar
07.06.2021 Directorate DMG Udaipur further sent recommendations to ACS, Mines, GoR for grant of ML in favour of FAGMIL Approval for ML is still awaited from the GoR


Rock Phosphate
Birmania, Fatehgarh,District-Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Date Action Remarks
19.12.2018 Ministry of Mines, GoI reserved the block  vide Gazette No. G.S.R 1220(E)
03.07.2019 Application for Prospecting License(PL) submitted to Mining Engineer, Jaisalmer
25.07.2020 Proposal for grant of PL forwarded to DMG, Udaipur by ME Jaisalmer
05.10.2021 DMG Udaipur sent recommendations to ACS, Mines, GoR for grant PL in favour of FAGMIL
22.07.2022 The work order for exploration (G-2 level) was awarded to MECL.
02.08.2022 Exploratory drilling has been started.
31.01.2023 Draft of Interim Exploration Report, received for 25 Boreholes
14.02.2023 Exploratory drilling in progress Final Exploration Report is expected in March 2023
Sallopat, Bagidora,District-Banswara, Rajasthan
Date Action Remarks
19.12.2018 Ministry of Mines, GoI reserved the block  vide Gazette No. G.S.R 1220(E)
14.10.2019 Application for Prospecting License was submitted with Mining Engineer, Jaisalmer
10.10.2022 NoC obtained from DCF, Banswara for commencement of Exploratory Drilling in Forest Area.
19.10.2022 The work order for exploration (G-2 level) was awarded to MECL.
08.11.2022 Exploratory drilling  started.
21.12.2022 Exploration drilling completed. Exploration  Report  is expected in March 2023


Two SMS Grade Limestone Block
 District-Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Date Action Remarks
02.12.2019 Comments of the Government of Rajasthan  by the Ministry of Mines  for reservation of area of SMS Grade Limestone Blocks
13.10.2020 Director Mines and Geology, Government of Rajasthan  recommended reservation of the two blocks in favour of FAGMIL
14.09.2022 DoF  recommended that conditional mining leases  be granted to FAGMIL. GoR recommendation awaited


Bajri (Construction Sand)
Addition of Bajri in Kaoni Mines, District-Bikaner, Rajasthan
Date Action Remarks
10.02.2020 Proposal for addition of Bajri in Kaoni Mining Lease forwarded to ME Bikaner
28.04.2021 ME forwarded proposal to DMG, Udaipur The case is presently with the GoR.


White Cement Plant
Nohradhar, District-Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
Date Action Remarks
27.06.2018 Letter of Intent for Mining Lease of Limestone  granted by Himachal  Pradesh Government.
25.02.2019 MoU  signed for installing White Cement Plant
18.06.2019 Hon’ble High Court, Shimla granted stay on LoI issued. Matter is subjudice


PL Prospecting License
ML Mining Lease
DoF Department of Fertilizers
MoM Ministry of Mines
GoR Government of Rajasthan
GoI Government of India
DMG Directorate of Mines & Geology, Rajasthan
ACS Additional Chief Secretary (Mines & Petroleum) Rajasthan
AME Assistant Mining Engineer
ME Mining Engineer
Ha Hectare
NoC No Objection Certificate
MMDR Act Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957